31st Symposium on Medicinal chemistry in Eastern England

Unfortunately the 31st Symposium on Medicinal chemistry in Eastern England to beheld at Hatfield on 30 April 2020 has been postponed until November. The Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry in Eastern England, known colloquially as the “Hatfield MedChem” meeting, is a highly successful, long-standing, one-day meeting which runs annually. The scientific program will comprise presentations showcasing medicinal chemistry case studies from tools to candidates, across a range of modalities, therapeutic areas and target classes, as well as covering more general topics from the forefront of drug discovery of relevance to medicinal chemists.

New role for the CEO

Duncan is pleased to announce that he has joined the EOSnetwork, a charitable organisation focusing on eosinophilic diseases, as a Scientific Research and Drug Development Advisor please take a look at: www.eosnetwork.org

Eosinophilic diseases are not well understood, probably the best characterised is eosinophilic esophagitis which was first described in children but also occurs in adults. It is thought that food allergy may play a significant role. The treatment may consist of removal of known or suspected triggers and medication to suppress the immune response. Take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eosinophilic_esophagitis